We met Spielberg?!

Well… that was absolutely nuts. Now I’ve had time to recover and look back on yesterdays interview I thought it’s best to write a quick blog post!

The day started off nice and early. I was still questioning whether not I was asleep, waking up to clear skies and warm sunshine in December was rather dreamy. Around 08:30 we headed off towards Universal Studios, where we would be greeted by scenes of the everyday busy Film and TV industry. As we drove in, I was blown away by the scale of the studios and the general operations going on around me. Not only that, I was thinking to myself why would Spielberg choose Elstree over this when you had it on your back door. Couldn’t wait to find out all the answers.


universal studios


We eventually made it into Amblin Entertainment and got shown through to a private screening room. In there we were told we would have 30 minutes with Spielberg, hopeful we would have more, it was still a huge 30 minutes nonetheless. After we got organised and our set up was looking nice, we waited around a bit. Then entered Spielberg, trying not to fanboy too much, he came round to shake our hands as we all introduced ourselves. The interview itself went really well and we ended up getting longer than 30 minutes, one of his several PA’s had to come in and push us for time eventually. He gave a clear insight into his decision of shooting at Elstree and all the experiences he had there. Excited to see the final cut put together.

Although a lot longer, the whole interview felt like 5 minutes, I was pretty much in awe the whole time. It still hasn’t quite hit me what we actually did and as we were driving out of the studios I was definitely feeling inspired by the interview and the environment around me. The rest of the day consisted of sorting out our footage, eating food, jumping in a pool (as you do in December), having some beers and crazy sunsets! Not your standard day but definitely one that’s going to remain up there for a looooong time!




Now I’m off to be a tourist and make the most of this sunshine before our next interview tomorrow in Santa Monica!  ‘Till next time…